Chap2: 1. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, octal, hexadecimal and BCD numbers.
123.5 237.125 57.725
2. Use the 8-bit 2's complement of the following decimal numbers to perform computaion.
-123-170 -75+65 68+200 89-70
3. Use BCD numbers of the following decimal numbers to compute the result.
78+45 89+145
4. Please give the correct description when the following descriptions are error.
* The octal number system is a weighted system with eight digits.
* The binary number system is a weighted system with two digits.
* MSB stands for most significant bit.
* In hexadecimal, 9+ 1 = 10.
* The 1’s complement of the binary number 1010 is 0101.
* The 2’s complement of the binary number 1111 is 0000.
* The right-most bit in a signed binary number is the sign bit.
* The hexadecimal number system has 16 characters, six of which are alphabetic characters.
* BCD stands for binary coded decimal.
* An error in a given code can be detected by verifying the parity bit.